New Crypto Mining Watch

I was introduced to an amazing device about a year ago. It is a smart watch that tells time while tracking my vital statistics. Mining of cryptocurrency takes place while wearing the watch. It is a Crypto Mining Watch and really is A MIRACLE! While this data has been part of the process, it has helped me and many others become more aware of our overall health as we work to better our wellbeing. Having this crypto mining watch allows you to have all your information at your fingertips. It is perfect during a telehealth appointment with your doctor.  When on a call with your doctor, You can easily just show your watch. You will be providing information in real time, giving you a huge advantage in receiving the best care possible.

New Crypto Mining Watch

We have now seen an amazing change with Inpersona and Helo Smart apps, InPersona and Helo Smart. As part of Web 3.0 the apps can be downloaded from Google Play Store and Apple App Store. With the device and the collection of data and mining, we have moved to a new level!

You can now have total access to your data. Big Pharma and High Tech companies can no longer collect any of your information. This is because of Inpersona and Helo Smart apps.

Earn Crypto with New Mining Watch

View this presentation below for an overview of the process:

Now let’s get going with your own Helo Device. You have the ability to not only control your Health Data, but be in a position to benefit from it. And the healthier we become the more we can gain in rewards from the Socialfi and Healthfi aspects of this amazing new platform and technology.

More information can be found here on the InPersona.Com page

To begin, download the Inpersona app from either Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Now that you have the App, you must set up set up a New Account. This is completed after you “Run” or “Open” the app. Set up your account at which point you will need an “Invite Code”. You can receive this from me or anyone else associated with the Inpersona App.

Set Up Your New Crypto Wallet

Subsequently, you need to set up your Crypto Wallet within the Inpersona App. By creating the Wallet, your rewards are paid out in USDV tokens. There is more to this Cryptocurrency World, and we will be earning on the values we create with our Health Data.

This begins with walking through four different steps within the app. These are things you want to take down and store for future need.

There are 3 Options for Setting up Your Wallet

OPTION 1 (SET UP YOUR NEW WALLET) this is what you want to do. Options 2 and 3 involve importing your existing wallets. However, we do recommend setting up a new wallet. Next, select your level of NFT. This is where some explanation is in order. Actual Healthcare Data is stored in an NFT. Here is a Presentation on our NFT process: (A Must Watch):

Setting Your NFT With Your App

Now is the time to choose an NFT. You’ll need to know how this process works. The higher the level of the NFT, the more mining will take place, and the more you have to gain.

  1. From your Inpersona App select the “GLOBE” which is on the bottom part of your Screen.
  2. You’ll be presented with a “Decentralized” Web Browser within the app.
  3. If you are an Apple User you will need to type in and then hit the “GO” Button. If you are an Android User (we got you) and the is already for you. Just hit the “Go Button”.
  4. This will take you to the NEXT Page. This will show you what NFTs are available for you to get.
  5. Select your NFT. Again, the higher the level, the better it performs in the Mining Process.
  6. After you Select your NFT you will be walked through the Purchase Process. NOTE: If you need help with this aspect, please see TROUBLESHOOTING below. When we are working in the Crypto World, there may be specifics that are necessary upon where you live and the financial tools (Credit Cards or Crypto) that you have at your disposal. THIS IS NOT A TIME TO FORGET IT AND MOVE ON, it is a time to engage and learn. This is not anything you want to miss out on.
  7. Once you complete your NFT Purchase, it is time to get your Helo Device to connect to the NFT. You will see your NFT after it is minted in your Inpersona Home Page. NOTE: If you do not see it, you may need to change your “CHAIN” to Vyvo Smart Chain, Polygon, or Binance Smart Chain (or other depending on where you are located). For instance, I am on the Polygon chain with my Level 3 NFT.
  8. An email will be generated from the Inpersona app and sent directly to you. This will contain your “Free Voucher” code for your device. It is located at and is also spelled out in the email.

Fifthly; It is time to get your Helo Device Activated. This will be ordered and sent to you (as explained above). Once you receive the Device (it is mailed out to you promptly) you will activate it within your App. All of this is sent to you with explicit and simple step by step instructions.

Then its wear and earn. And as you can, Share this process with others, using your Invite Codes from your Hub Consoles as part of the NFT Process.

When ordering your Device, use PROMO CODE: INP817462427