Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

First of all, you have incredible knowledge about wine or are just beginning to learn the basics. You will never have to worry about making a wrong choice in the Wine of the Month Club. Delivery is hand selected by experts each month! They come with a description of the wine and which foods to pair it with. We have unsurpassed Customer Service and an amazing variety of fine wines. You will receive a new selection each and every month. If you are someone who enjoys Reds, Whites, or both, we have the solution for you. Just join the Wine of the Month Club.

The Finest Wines

We are offering the finest wines selected by a sommelier and made exclusively for us. They are only available in the Wine of the Month Club. You’ll love the convenience of having these wines delivered. These are wines exclusively from the world renowned vineyards of Napa and Sonoma Valley. They are of the highest quality and not like anything available in your neighborhood store.

Fine Wines Direct to You

We have buyers of all types who purchase their wine online. Direct to consumer, DTC, is now the greatest opportunity for producers in 2023. Wine has now surpassed beer as the number one adult beverage. Clearly, 80% of all U.S. households now open at least one bottle of wine per week. The wine industry is approximately 300 billion annually and is expected to reach 420 billion by the end of 2023. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be a part of this relevant and growing business.

We are in the process of expanding our business all over the globe. We are seeking people who can be part of this incredible opportunity. Please view the presentation below that will share all the information you’ll need to get started.

Go Here to Enroll and Receive These Exclusive Fine Wines Direct to Your Door

Fine Wines are created all around the Globe and you owe it to yourself to be trying them.  Clearly going to get them in person is the best experience, the next best thing is having them sent directly to you. As the quality, value, price and convenience are all part of this club’s attributes.

Wine of the Month Club handles the call from wine novices to wine enthusiasts with unbelievable Customer Service. You receive an amazing choice of fine wines that offer a new selection each month. The Napa and Sonoma Valley’s region has the best grapes and the best wine makers in the region. By getting new wines to you every month, you have the opportunity to taste an amazing variety.

Benefits of Fine Wine

A glass of fine wine relaxes, soothes, and aides in everyday stress relief.  Red Wine contains health benefits, and the ability to fight the damages of aging, and health caused by our everyday stress. There is something about it, that lets the worries fade away.

Wine and Dine Show


The Saturday “Wine and Dine Show” is for anyone who loves wine and dining. It will quickly become your favorite time of the week. This is one big cooking and wine fest.

You can enjoy the recipes that are specially prepared and shown on the show! We focus on delicious quick and easy meals and what wine to pair with each meal. Of course any meal is better with fine wine!

Make new friends as you share your wine culture with others. We get to share in a Global Wine Community. Sometimes there is an occasional visit from an Expert. Clearly, many of them actually spend their time selling wine either full or part-time. Come join us!

We have new shows LIVE each and every Saturday at 9:00am (PST) / 10:00am (MST) / 11:00am (CST) / 12:00pm (EST) / on our “Zoom Meeting Room” / or

Start Here – and Get Fine Wines to Your Door Every Month

How to become a Wine Ambassador for the Wine of the Month Club! There are Two Ways to get Going!

Sharing Our Opportunity

The first way to get started is to become a Wine Customer. Many of the bottles of the retail cost is over $100.00 a bottle. The cost is only $99.95 per month and as a Customer you will receive four bottles of wine with your monthly order. You’ll have the opportunity to be part of the 3 and free program. The first step is to share your incredible wines with family and friends. They will want to know how to receive them. By referring 3 Customers to join the club, the wine is free. You will just pay for shipping.

You have three options in the second way to get going. That is to become a Representative:

ESTATE MEMBER – $300 Wine Starter Kit

This kit includes a case, 12 Hand Selected Premium Bottles of Wine

10% discount on additional cases of wine

RESERVE MEMBER- $600 Wine Starter Kit

This kit includes 2 Cases of our Amazing Hand Selected Wines

15% discount on any additional cases of wines


This kit includes 2 cases of our Amazing Hand Selected wines plus our 6 bottle Grand Cru Luxury Box of exceptional Wines- Limited edition

Reward yourself with the best value in wine experience every month. There is no other club that comes close to our quality wines and this incredible business opportunity

20% discount on any additional cases of wine

  • Author: Joan

Posted On: September 11, 2021 @ 10:32 am