Crypto Mining and Telehealth Merge

crypto watch and telehealth merge

It’s Really a Miracle!

I am honored to introduce you to where crypto mining and telehealth merge. This amazing watch not only tracks your vitals but mines and earns cryptocurrency tokens while it is being worn. It really is a MIRACLE! This watch is a special device that runs by sensors. It constantly keeps track of your vital statistics such as temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, etc. Having this crypto watch allows you to have all your information at your fingertips. This watch senses all your vital statistics at a glance.  When on a call with your doctor, You can easily just show your watch. You will be providing information in real time, giving you a huge advantage in receiving the best care possible.

Telehealth History

Health care in the home-based setting has a long history. For example, in 1879 an article was published that talked about using the telephone to reduce unnecessary office visits. In 1925, a magazine showed a doctor diagnosing a patient by radio and talked about a device that would allow for the video examination of a patient over distance. Home monitoring developed more fully in the 1960’s with NASA’s Mercury space program. Telehealth, also known as Virtual Healthcare, is not new but it has become substantially enhanced. With the internet and smartphone it is easy for doctors to communicate with their patients. I must say that I was not familiar with this until COVID-19. Many of my doctors chose to use this technology instead of an in person visit. Since we can communicate virtually from anywhere, we can also share our vitals instantly. This is where the Crypto Watch and Telehealth Merge. CHECK IT OUT BELOW!

Crypto Mining and Telehealth

This is a first of its kind where Crypto and Telehealth Merge. It is truly incredible! Since it is available at a very low price point, this is a perfect way for anyone to participate in the new World of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. We are educating and deploying a marvel device that also is a Cryptocurrency Miner. It is creating Cryptocurrency that is available on a variety of exchanges. By wearing this watch we are constantly reminded of our health whether our sleep patterns or stress level. Another great feature gives us the number of steps we are taking on a daily basis. We know that some form of exercise is encouraged for all of us. Many of us are living on fast food and dealing with stress on a regular basis. We have the ability to check our stress level and adjust it if necessary. Another distinction is the ability to find out our oxygen level. I just learned recently that there is a correlation between our oxygen level and weight loss. Our O2 level tells us when our body is in fat burning mode. If you want an extra boost, CHECK IT OUT HERE!

This is a wonderful way to be a part of the Blockchain and Crypto World. Now is the time to jump on board. This is a new opportunity and you don’t want to be left out. Whether its the health benefits, the crypto mining, or a little of both, its up to you to set your life on a new course!

As you are enjoying the health benefits from this watch, you’ve got to check out these other products that will amaze you. Click Here:

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Author: Joan